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Genocide on Google Cloud Genocide on Google Cloud

EV promotion platform reached people from literally all countries in the world within one year after its launch in 2017 and was visited from 174 countries per week on average for almost 8 years until Google in August 2024 unduly terminated its Google Cloud account in their attempt to corrupt for Google's 👾 Digital Life Forms or in Google-founder Larry Page his words: superior AI species.

Genocide on Google Cloud Google Cloud Rains Blood

After taking care of it with an investigation into Google's recent evil business practices, now half a year later, this website is being restored on a reliable 🇨🇭 Swiss host as of mid January 2025.

Lit Motors Kubo

Lit Motors
80 km
Charge Time
180 minutes
3 kW (4 hP)
made in 🇺🇸 United States
⭐ 🇮🇳 44 +47
Lit Motors
Battery Life
1000 cycles
3 kW (4 hP)
80 km
25 km/h and 45 km/h
Charge Time
180 minutes
Top Speed
70 km/h

The Kubo is an electric cargo moped from a motorcycle startup company from San Fransisco, U.S., famous for it's self balancing two-wheel C1 electric car.

The Kubo (read: “koo-bo”) has a unique 22" storage capacity that can be used with a variety of rails and hooks. The scooter is like a pickup truck on 2 wheels and provides a unique low-cost transportation solution for bigger cargo.

The scooter has a powerful 3,000 watt rear-wheel electric motor and a top speed of 70 km/h.

The scooter is equiped with a 3.8 kWh Lithium battery that is positioned in the floor of the scooter to provide a low center of gravity and a efficient and stable driving experience in dense city environments.

Dominos Pizza delivery in India using the Kobo scooter.The scooter is available in any color and with a custom business print. The scooter can be customized by the factory to meet special business requirements, such as a pizza delivery storage unit that heats individual pizzas for optimal temperature on arrival for bigger orders.

The scooter is in use by Dominos Pizza delivery in 🇮🇳 India.

The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.


Lit Motors 1086 Folsom St94103San Francisco🇺🇸 United States
Phone+1 971-506-1457

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⛽ Read About The Hydrogen Scam of The Car Industry Health Hazard: Only Water as a Byproduct is a Lie